Psoriasis of the nails

Psoriasis is a very wicked disease and is capable of affecting not only the skin. Often psoriasis of the nails, called as onihodistrofiya (psoriatic onihodistrofiya).

The confirmation of this disease the treatment of psoriasis of the nail, in some cases, it is difficult, as this is manifested with much less frequency that the skin psoriasis. However, affected by psoriasis of the nail phalanx lead to the patient great discomfort, which causes emotional breakdowns.

The simultaneous defeat of the nails and skin pretty rare. The disease may exist for many years in the body of the patient, but the feature of the sintomatologa in this way is caught with the fingernail. When psoriatic manifestations, a high index of suspicion are able to cause a complication, such as psoriatic arthritis.

The causes of the disease

the nails

The main reason, in which occurs the psoriasis of the nails is a FAILURE IN the FUNCTIONING of the IMMUNE SYSTEM, which violates the enzyme function and the education periungual cells. This leads to the separation of the body not grew the cells, as well as of the horny layer of the nail.

There are causes predisposing, which are able to trigger the onset of exacerbations. Them concern:

  • the symptoms of psoriasis can be triggered by adverse climatic conditions;
  • the state of stress and depression;
  • chronic diseases of the body;
  • the symptoms of psoriasis can worsen the mechanical injury of the skin;
  • long-term consumption of anti-inflammatory and contain lithium medications;
  • in addition, the causes of the disease can be heredity, where the gene of psoriasis is transmitted to the following generations.

As a general rule, the risk group consists of patients under the age of 25 years. The men suffer much more common in women.

Classification of psoriasis of the nails

Psoriasis of the nails is able to manifest itself in various forms and have different symptoms. Distinguish various stages of the psoriasis:

NAPEDOWY — the most common type of the disease. Your symptoms are expressing the emergence surface of the dents in the nails.

ONYCHOLYSIS — this grade is characterized by the pain of the office of the nail tissue, and after a few nails stretch remains psoriatic hem.

ONYCHOMADESIS — this way you can also see the separation of the nail, but faster and without the formation of halos.

The BLEEDING UNDER the NAIL — there are characteristic of streaks of brown and reddish spots underneath the nail.

TRACHYONYCHIA — in this degree of the disease of the nail becomes rough and thick.

PARONYCHIA the reason of this form of the disease physical effects in tissue around the nail (the removal of lime, located the nail, etc). You notice pus, swelling and congestion periungual of the plates.

In all cases of psoriasis requires early and the treatment, to avoid more serious of the inflammatory process.

The symptoms of the disease


The symptoms of psoriasis quite diverse and depend directly on the shape and type of the disease.

The main symptoms are expressed by the following indicators:

  • the surface of the nail of the fingers of the hands and of the feet becomes irregular, you can see the holes and dents;
  • the nail becomes grayish and uneven;
  • the edge of the nail plates is covered inflammatory at the edges, which are able to propagate across the surface of the skin;
  • nail on the head and manifest warranty yellow psoriatic of the platelet;
  • in the nail plate is observed capillary mesh;
  • the skin of the nail intolerable itch and flake.

The complicated process of the symptoms may be aggravated by the office of pus under the nail.

The treatment of psoriasis of the nails

To choose the treatment should take into account the causes of psoriasis, the severity of the current and the individual susceptibility of the patient.

Initial grade of the disease is treated in a comprehensive way and includes the following activities:

  • in the primary stage, it is recommended to use the therapy of varnish to cover the nails, as well as the gels for the hydration of the skin periungual phalanx;
  • it regulates hormonal and endocrine function;
  • restores the function of the digestive system;
  • it clarifies the nature of psoriasis (fungal, virus, bacteria, etc);

Frequently, the cause of psoriasis of the nails is the activity of fungi due to impaired immunity. Effective of the influence of the provided external of the tool (ointments, creams, treatments, varnishes), physiotherapy and phytotherapy.

In addition to that you are using a varnish that neutralizes the fungus, the treatment of psoriasis, provides:

  • The ANTIHISTAMINES. To relieve the itch, it is recommended that the reception of an antihistamine of funds.
  • MULTIVITAMINS. The destruction of the nail with any form of psoriasis, inevitably, leads to the loss of essential micronutrients and vitamins, so they are accepted as multivitamin medicines. It is especially important to the reception of selenium, calcium, silicon, and zinc.
  • The CORTICOSTEROIDS. When the serious illness it is recommended the use of steroid drugs. However, it is worth remembering that, despite the fact that the treatment of the media is quite effective, take it only after consulting with the doctor.
  • IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS. To relieve the stress and tension it is convenient to the appointment of immunosuppressive therapy. However, you should take into account side of the manifestation.

The positive result has shown special nail Polish belvedere, which helps even after the start of the stage of the disease.

External medications (ointments, creams)

With the external means, as a general rule, start the treatment of psoriasis of the nails. When the light of the degree of development of the symptoms it is possible to handle by precisely these means.

All external medications are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

The media in the fight against psoriasis of the nails


Quite often, there are cases in which the medication may not have the desired effect and neutralize the negative symptoms. This circumstance forces to search for alternatives, and the questions about how to cure psoriasis of the nails are sharp. In this case, doctors recommend the release of the nail psoriasis treatment with remedies.

The most famous, and popular forms of psoriasis treatment are:

NAILS OF FRANCE. This medication is good for getting rid of fungi on the surface of the nail. To prepare the bath should pour boiling water 20 g dry bay leaves, and then boil the prepared solution. After cooling should be placed in this solution and nail to have their 15 minutes.

LOTION. At home, simply prepare a lotion. It is recommended to mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal or corn starch with 0.5 litres of water. Prepared by the slurry is applied in the area of the nail.

PACKS. Curing psoriasis of the nails of the fingers of the hands using a medicinal plant called brusnik. It should take 4 tablespoons of dry powder of the leaves of the brusnik and pour 0.5 liters of hot water. After cooling the cooked mass is applied on the affected area in the form of a poultice and is aged 15-20 minutes.

With the help of those simple recipes you can cure the psoriasis of the ways. However, before you start to enjoy the recipes, requires the consultation of your family doctor.

Diet for psoriasis of the nails

Fundamental to the therapeutic success in the treatment is the diet. Few people know that the allergy may be present in any form of psoriasis. Therefore, you must be hypo-allergenic diet.

The feeding of the sick, has to be a balance, avoiding products that may cause allergies (chocolate, coffee, cocoa, strawberry, citrus). The diet prohibits the use of sharp, salty, fatty, smoked, and roasted dishes. In addition, you should not use the mustard, mayonnaise and tomato sauce.

During the exacerbation of the psoriasis diet involves the download of the days, that is to say, during the day you can take in the food of a single product, for example, kefir, apples, boiled fish, etc Diet should be sated kislomolochnoy of fresh products, vegetables and fruits (except orange and red), as well as fish and vegetables. To replenish the body lecithin, it is recommended that the consumption of oil (better olive the first extraction).

It is important to remember that any diet excludes the consumption of alcoholic beverages, regardless of the form of psoriatic manifestations.

The prevention of the

At any time, psoriasis of nails in the fingers of the hands, as well as the psoriasis of the nails in the feet it flows in waves, with relapses and periodic, of the acute episodes. For this reason, it is important the prevention of psoriasis, which you refer to:

  • The need to have shorter nails.
  • It is forbidden to perform the pedicure, manicure, etc, including the acrylic varnish.
  • You should avoid the possibility of injury.
  • In the case of household contact with household chemical goods, you should use gloves.

When the light of the degree of the disease requires a minimum level of medication therapy. In the home, it is recommended to use the therapy of varnish to cover the nails, which slows down the destruction of the nail.

It is necessary to remember that any treatment can be performed after consultation with the attending physician. This will allow you to remove acute symptoms of the disease and achieve a durable remission.